In a Holiday Inn Express Hotel, watching T.V. and working on things on the computer, I begin to think about things and how they will change while I am gone. I know that my presence will be sorely missed by none other than my beautiful wife. As she sleeps and rest from an exhausting day of visiting relatives, hanging out with her nephews and nieces, and taking care of our baby boy, I think about what she will have to face while I am gone. First thing that comes to mind is that she will have to deal with taking the overnight feedings, that I usually get so she can sleep. Second, she will be the primary caregiver to our son, for the next two months. Thirdly, I was thinking of how much she has on her plate for while I am gone.
However, even though it will be difficult for her it will be equally difficult for me, to be away from my wife. I am an Ashby man, and those of you that know Ashby's know what I mean. We protect and care for our wives and families. I do not mean to demean what Angel will go through but it will be difficult to be away from the woman I love. However, I take comfort in what Paul teaches in his epistles, everything works together for the Good of God. I will be leaving in three days, to begin an amazing spiritual journey for two months. I will be teaching an Adult Bible Class on Wednesday nights, working with the youth, going to Bible Studies and doing whatever else is required of me.
I ask only that everyone keep me in your prayers and keep my family in your prayers.
P.S. I might get a couple of Flames of War games in New Zealand. Who knows.